
We have compiled some helpful resources below

Provider Journey

Our aim is to make our processes as easy as possible.

Contact us if you are unable to find what you are looking for.


Invoice Requirements
For your reference, the NDIS outlines invoice requirements here. Refer also to the The NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits (PAPL) document.

Your invoice should contain the following so that we can process them promptly:

  • Name or Business Name
  • Valid and Active ABN
  • Invoice Number and Date
  • Bank Details
  • Client’s Full Name and if available, NDIS Number
  • Date of Service
  • Service Description and/or Line Item
  • Serviced Hours and Hourly Rate
  • If applicable, number of kilometres and rate per kilometre
  • Total Amount Due

Without the necessary information, we may not be able to pay your invoice or payment may be delayed. Once completed, send your invoice to

Refer to Service Provider Invoicing Guide.

Invoice Template

To make your life easier, we have a great template for you to use if you do not have an accounting software EPSS Invoice Template.

Invoice Generator

If you don’t want to use the EPSS Invoice Template, you can use our online Invoice Generator. The invoice created will be sent to us directly and you will also be sent a copy of it.

Contact Us

Provider Help

Please see below for commonly seen enquiries regarding NDIS invoicing through plan management.

Invoice Tips for NDIS Providers

The NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits document (PAPL) explains how price controls for supports and services work in the NDIS. Click here to understand how charges work and to get the latest version

Other Information

As plan managers, we are only allowed to pay up to the maximum Hourly/Qty Rate allowed per the PAPL. This means if you charge more than the maximum amount, your invoice will be underpaid.

Different GST rules may apply, so talk to your accountant regarding this. Further information about the NDIS and GST can be found here.

Processing Times

We understand the importance of prompt payment.

Once we receive your invoice, below is our process:

  1. We submit the claim to the NDIS for payment, usually within 1-2 business days if:
    • The invoice details are correct,
    • The claim/invoice has been approved by the participant,
    • Funds are available in the plan, and
    • The service falls under a plan-managed area.
  1. The NDIS reviews the claim, usually within 2-3 business days*.
  2. When the NDIS approves the claim, and we receive the funds, we aim to pay you, the provider, within 1 business day. You will be sent a remittance advice as soon as we make the payment.

Please note, the NDIA has updated the way payment of NDIS Claims are made. The NDIA state that they are taking some steps to strengthen the NDIS, by reducing fraud and non-compliant behaviour. This means that valid claims will be paid by the NDIA to our account within 2 to 3 business days, however, payments from the NDIA may take up to 10 days.  

Please be assured that this delay is beyond our control and as soon as funds are received by us, payment will be promptly made to your account. 

For more information about the NDIA provider payment terms, please refer to the following links:  

NDIS Provider Newsletter 

NDIS Claims and Payments 

NDIS Service Agreement: Important information to keep in mind.

The NDIA recommends having a written service agreement so that participants and providers know what each party has agreed to. This includes how much a participant will be charged during the life of a plan. It is important to note that the participant will have a limited budget that cannot be exceeded.

Below are some simple steps on what you should do as a provider:

  • Obtain the NDIS plan dates. These are the dates that you can provide services within.
  • Determine the price you will charge for your services.
  • Calculate the amounts you will charge for the life of the plan.
  • Include the above details in your service agreement.
  • Communicate this to the participant and us as the plan manager.


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